Find out just how much elbow grease it takes to bring ultimate beauty, shine, and sparkle to show trucks in this documentary that digs deeper into the work that makes Evan’s Detailing and Polishing a success!
The documentary’s creator Christopher E. Fiffie explains what made him want to learn more about the men behind the shine: “While attending truck shows over the years I often wondered about those guys who’s clothes and faces were covered in what looked like soot. Polishing on trucks days before the show started, they never seemed to have time to stop and chat so I never really learned anything other than that they make the trucks shiny.
In getting to know some of the truck owners one name kept coming up when discussing truck show prep. That name was ‘Evan’. It wasn’t until meeting Evan Steger at the 75 Chrome Shop in Wildwood, Florida this year that I began connecting the fact that a person is responsible for the shine on the trucks that have been winning top honors at the shows.
I thought that it would be interesting to dig deeper into the mindset of a metal polisher. Big Rig Polishing Supplies, a company that Evan buys product from agreed and a documentary was planned around the Waupun Truck ‘n Show that’s held in Waupun, Wisconsin.”
You can view the documentary below.
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Video Credit:
BigRig Videos