0.8 C
New York

VIDEO: Truck Driver Pulls Suspected Drunk Driver From His Vehicle


According to the video’s description, truck driver Bryan French’s dash camera captured a suspected drunk driver weaving in and out of his lane on I-70 eastbound in Ohio.

French says he followed the driver for some time when the driver suddenly pulled (somewhat) onto the shoulder of the road.

French stopped his truck behind the vehicle, parked and turned off his dash camera.

“Since this just happened on Friday and the driver has not yet had a trial, I stop the video before I pull him from the vehicle. I can tell you that the trooper who arrived on scene to arrest the driver told me that the suspect has nine prior OVI arrests in the state of Ohio,” French states.

[su_youtube url=”https://youtu.be/ZoW-vFiCjHk” width=”700″ height=”500″]

Video Credit: Bryan French


This Week in Trucking
