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New York

Wall Street Journal: CARB Is a “Scam”


A blistering op-ed From the Wall Street Journal called out CARB as a “scam” based on “phony science” that is targeting truckers.

Trucking Company Faced Harsh Fines

The article comes after the EPA and CARB tag-teamed Virginia-based Estes Express Lines, doling out mammoth fines because the company operated 73 trucks in California without diesel particulate filters. Estes paid out $100,000 in fines and was required to donate $300,000 more to projects designed to clean the air in California.

Little Evidence to Link Diesel to Death

CARB has put a massive financial burden on truckers since its inception in 2008, but they claimed to be doing it in the name of better health for Californians. CARB claims that their restrictive rules for truckers will prevent 3,500 deaths between 2010 and 2025, but the Wall Street Journal article calls the agency’s bluff, claiming that there isn’t much scientific evidence to link increased risk of dying to diesel particulate matter.

Lead Researcher Bought His Diploma

The article goes on to point out that the study that the 2008 CARB ruling was based on was flawed because its lead scientist bought his degree from a diploma mill for $1000. The initial report said that diesel emissions regulations would reduce deaths by 9,400, which was later corrected to the 3,500 figure. After discovering the scientist’s deceit, CARB’s chairwoman Mary Nichols failed to inform the board and kept arguing for the regulations.

The Wall Street Journal

This Week in Trucking
