A West Virginia company will pay a hefty price for damage one of its trucks did to a historic bridge in southwest Pennsylvania.
On September 29, 2014, a 16.5-ton tanker truck attempted to cross the Pollocks Mill Bridge in Greene County, Pennsylvania. The 136-year-old, wooden deck bridge has a 4-ton weight limit. The single-lane bridge spans the Tin Mile Creek.
The truck, owned by Buccaneer Enterprises Inc. of West Virginia, made it half way across the bridge before it buckled and partially collapsed.
The truck driver who attempted to cross the bridge was slapped with a $10,000 fine for exceeding the weight limit and failure to observe a traffic signal.
Last week, Greene Commissioners approved a settlement with Buccaneer Enterprises for $245,000. The funds will be used to repair the historic bridge, though actual damages are estimated at $280,000.