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Construction Worker Killed By SUV Driver Trying To Maneuver Around Semi


A construction worker was killed this morning when an motorist lost control while changing lanes near a semi, according to police.

SUV Driver Lost Control In Construction Zone

The crash happened on northbound I-65 at the 257 mile marker in Hobart, Indiana, around 9:35 a.m. Police say that 23 year old Jasmine Tirado was driving her SUV in the left lane, then moved to the middle lane behind a semi, then crossed into the right lane. There, she hit a construction barrel and entered the construction area. She hit another construction barrel and then hit 35 year old construction worker Brandon Beau Dewayne Fiscus.

Fiscus was then thrown onto a pickup directly behind him and landed about 100 feet from the pickup.

Fiscus was pronounced dead at the scene. No other injuries were reported.

All northbound lanes of I-65 were shut down for over two hours for crash clean up and investigation.

Unclear If Charges Will Be Filed

Indiana State Police say that construction has been going on in the area since May and that there is “numerous informational signage to warn of the construction area.”

It is unclear whether Tirado will be charged.

ABC 57
Lakeshore Public Media
NBC Chicago

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