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New York

Landstar Employees’ Social Security Numbers Accidentally Given To Scammers


Landstar System Inc. recently fell victim to a phishing scam and accidentally gave the scammers their employees’ social security numbers, which resulted in some employees having their tax returns stolen.

Landstar Gets Duped By Scammers

Landstar recently sent out a memo to employees at their Rockford office warning them that everyone who had received a 2015 W2 from the company had their name, social security number, and address accidentally sent to an unknown email address.

Some of Landstar’s employees reported that when they attempted to file their taxes for 2015, their returns were rejected because the IRS had already received returns from those social security numbers.

Landstar: Customer Info Is Safe

Landstar was quick to point out that there was no data breech and that no customer information was released to the scammers. They are offering their employees identity theft protection services.

The Jacksonville Business Journal
First Coast News

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