A federal lawsuit has been filed against Stevens Transport after they reportedly refused to hire an Air Force veteran of 17 years because of his bi-polar medication.
The lawsuit was filed on behalf of Bill Brown, 46, by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, the agency announced yesterday.
According to the suit, Brown was told by Stevens that they were unable to hire him while he was taking medication for bi-polar disorder based on company policy. The EEOC says that Brown’s personal doctor provided a report saying it was safe for him to drive, but that a doctor contracted by Stevens told the company that hiring Brown while he was taking the medication was too risky.
The EEOC states that there is no federal regulation against driving while taking medication for bi-polar disorder and that Stevens is therefore in violation of the Americans With Disabilities Act. They are seeking back pay and damages.
Brown spent 17 years as a tactical aircraft maintenance craftsman with the Air Force. He is currently employed as a truck driver with another company.
Said a representative for the EEOC: “Neither Stevens Transport nor the physician it contracted with made an individual assessment of Mr. Brown. In addition to violating the ADA, Stevens lost an opportunity to add a valuable employee to its team. Mr. Brown is a veteran who gave years of his life for his country and who has gone on to become a successful truck driver with another company – which should demonstrate his professional fitness.”
Dallas News
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