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Love’s Employee Fatally Struck By Truck While Trying To Retrieve Hat


A North Carolina Love’s employee was killed yesterday at the truck stop when he was run over by a truck while trying to retrieve a hat.

Love’s Employee Hit By Driver Leaving Truck Stop

The incident happened at the Love’s off of I-40 in Marion around 3:30 p.m. According to witnesses, 27 year old tire technician Corey Allen McCall lost his hat and was attempting to grab it in the truck stop parking lot when he was run over by a truck. Police say he was dragged about 15 feet by the unknowing truck driver, who was leaving the Love’s.

Another driver called 911 after spotting McCall lying near the fuel pumps. He was pronounced dead around 4:15.

McCall had worked as a tire technician at the Love’s for about a month.

No Charges Filed Against Truck Driver

Police were able to use security footage to track down the truck driver who struck McCall. He returned to the scene. No charges have been filed against him at this time.

McDowell News

This Week in Trucking
