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Mack Trucks Named The Official Hauler For NASCAR


Mack Trucks has been named as the official car hauler for NASCAR as part of a multi year partnership between the two agencies.

Mack To Provide NASCAR With 11 Custom Trucks

As part of the partnership, Mack will provide NASCAR with 11 custom Pinnacle high-rise sleeper models. According to a release from NASCAR, “Each of the trucks is equipped with a 505-horsepower, 13-liter Mack MP8® engine, the productivity-boosting Mack mDRIVE™automated manual transmission and Mack’s GuardDog® Connect telematics system. ”

10 of the trucks will transport NASCAR vehicles to transport equipment an average 450,000 miles a year during the 36 race season. The 11th truck will be kept on reserve in case maintenance issues arise.

Mack-NASCAR Fleet Makes Its Maiden Voyage

The Mack Pinnacle models have already hit the road on their first journey to the Daytona 500, which takes place on February 21.

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