Nebraska Springs Surprise Inspections To Catch Truckers Who Avoid Weigh Stations

Yesterday the Nebraska State Patrol surprised truckers in Fremont with inspections intended to target drivers who might normally avoid weigh stations as well as drivers who do not leave the city.

The inspection campaign was performed with help from the Fremont Police Department.

Inspectors Place Almost 30% Of Trucks Out Of Service

Officers inspected 65 trucks during the one-day campaign. They placed 19 of those trucks out of service for safety issues. They also placed two truck drivers out of service for not having a valid CDL.

Inspectors also found 151 violations in the inspected trucks. They issued truck drivers a combined $2,025 in fines.

Said Nebraska State Patrol Superintendent Bradley Rice, “While most truck owners and operators share our concern for safety, we know some think they can ignore safety standards as long as they avoid the weigh stations.”

Nebraska Has Already Conducted 8 Surprise Inspection Campaigns This Year — And Say There Will Be More

This is the eighth surprise commercial vehicle inspection campaign that Nebraska has conducted this year and they say that they plan to continue the surprise inspections through the fall.

In late April, the Nebraska State Patrol conducted two surprise inspection campaigns in three days and placed almost half of inspected trucks out of service both days.

The Fremont Tribune


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