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New York

Truck Driver Saves Fellow Driver From Truck Fire


A truck driver is being hailed a hero after saving a fellow driver from a truck fire, seconds before the truck exploded.

On August 20, 2015, Roadrunner Expedite driver Edward Wilcher had just picked up his truck from the Love’s shop in Joplin, Missouri.  As he was getting into this truck, he heard a horn blaring and yelling.

Wilcher looked over to see what all the commotion was about and saw that a reefer was on fire — the flames were shooting several feet into the air. Fearful someone may be in the fiery truck, Wilcher ran to the truck to alert its occupants.

“I ran to the truck and started beating on the windows and yelling to wake up the other driver to warn him of the fire. I about busted the window out.” Stated Wilcher.

Wilcher was able to rouse the driver, who climbed out of the window.  Seconds later, the reefer exploded. The force of the explosion caused the sleeper to cave in on itself.

Thanks to Wilcher, the driver escaped, unharmed.

For his efforts, Wilcher has been awarded the Truckload Carriers Association’s Highway Angel award.

Great job, driver!


This Week in Trucking
