-0.7 C
New York

Trucker Questions Height Of Trestle After Becoming Wedged Underneath


A trucker claims that a railroad trestle is lower than the sign says it is after he became wedged underneath it in Marysville, California.

Truck Gets Stuck Under Railroad Trestle

Driver Rigoberto Corona was traveling north on Highway 70 when he struck a train trestle marked 14 feet 1 inch around noon yesterday. Corona said he heard a loud noise and then found his rig wedged under the trestle.

Corona was not hurt during the incident.

A Hazmat team was called in because the truck was leaking an unknown substance.

Driver Says Bridge Is Lower Than Posted Height

He told local reporters that he is sure that the bridge must be lower than the posted height. He said: “This bridge is lower than 14 feet. I measured my lead and I hit it, this bridge.

Highway 70 was closed for some time while Caltrans inspected the trestle to ensure that it is safe.

A local tow truck operator said that trucks strike the trestle several times every year.

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