According to the video description, the dash cammer sent this video to the driver’s company and he was let go because of what was described as a “road rage” incident.
Here’s the full story from the dash cammer’s video description: “The right lane was ending ahead, but this trucker was determined to make sure that nobody could safely and legally get in front of him. Rather than properly treating it as a zipper merge, he drove down the middle of the road and actually attempted to run another driver off the road when he tried to pass. He later let the SUV get up next to the cab, then leaned out the window to scream at him and flip him off. The SUV driver did nothing wrong, and this semi driver has no business in such a deadly large vehicle with these anger issues.
NOTE: Please do not direct any anger at Cowan Systems for this one driver’s actions. I am forwarding them this video so that they can deal with him how they wish. This is one driver’s wrongdoing, not the whole company’s.
UPDATE: Apparently the driver has been let go as a result of this incident. Cowan Systems is a very safety-conscious company and decided that this driver was far too big of a danger on the road to represent them. I do not know if he has had any prior incidents that led up to this decision or if it was only this one, but he luckily will not be in a position to endanger other motorists like this any time soon. (Again, if you have any issues with this video or the decision to terminate the employee, please do not direct your anger at Cowan. They were a pleasure to talk to and evidently a very friendly and safe company. Their policies regarding safety may appear strict to some, but if they help to prevent just one accident, then they are well worth having. If you disagree, please take it up with me instead of them. I do not wish for this to have any negative effects on such an admirable company.)
Video Credit: