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White House Sets Tougher Standards For Truck Emissions


Today the White House issued new regulations that will force medium and heavy-duty trucks to dramatically improve fuel economy and to cut back on emissions.

The new ruling is likely one of the last pushes by the Obama administration to reduce greenhouse gas emissions before he leaves office. It was made in conjunction with the Environmental Protection Agency and the Transportation Department.

Rules Will Require 25% Fewer Emissions From New Trucks

Today’s rulings will apply to truck model years 2019 through 2027 and will require these trucks to be 25% more carbon efficient than a 2018 model year truck. Additionally, the rule will require new trucks to become 2.5% more fuel efficient each year from 2021-2027. The new rule will also require trailer manufacturers to use lighter materials and more aerodynamic designs to cut down on drag and increase fuel efficiency.

DOT: Truckers Can Make Up For Extra Truck Cost Within Two Years

The new efficiency standards will raise the cost of a new truck significantly — by as much as $14,000 per truck — but officials say that reduced fuel costs will help truckers recoup those costs within a couple of years. The White House estimates that the increased fuel efficiency requirements will save truck owners $170 billion through 2027.

Department of Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx echoes the idea that the ruling will ultimately benefit truckers: “This is going to be a net savings to operators of these heavy duty and medium-size trucks. They are going to be able to get places using less fuel, which has a bottom-line impact on the cost of goods, for example, or the price people pay at grocery stores.

The new emission rules are expected to reduce carbon pollution by 1.1 billion tons through 2027.

The rules will not take effect immediately and they will likely face some legal challenges.

The Washington Post

This Week in Trucking
