-1.2 C
New York

Wisconsin Gives Big Trucks The Right Of Way In Roundabouts


Wisconsin lawmakers have given trucks the right of way in the state’s roundabouts in hopes of increasing safety and reducing crashes.

Wisconsin: Give Trucks Right Of Way No Matter What

According to the recently passed Wisconsin Act 139, all traffic must yield to any truck that is 40 feet or longer no matter what . The law also says that it’s okay for trucks to use the second lane in a roundabout if needed.

Authorities Hope That Law Will Reduce Crashes

Wisconsin police note that crashes happen when trucks try to share roundabouts with smaller vehicles, so they hope that the new law will protect both truck drivers and motorists.

And in case you were wondering, if two trucks enter a roundabout at the same time, the truck in the left hand lane has the right of way.

NBC 26

This Week in Trucking
