1.2 C
New York

Young Cancer Patient Fulfills Dream Of Riding In Garbage Truck


A young boy battling cancer in Kansas got to fulfill his Christmas wish of riding in a garbage truck courtesy of the Lawrence Sanitation Department and an anonymous donor.

Dagen Korynta has been fighting hard against cancer. He spent months in the hospital receiving bone marrow transplants and chemotherapy treatment, but his ordeal has not diminished his enthusiasm for big trucks. “Every birthday, Christmas that’s all he wants. Garbage trucks, model garbage trucks, he watches videos of garbage trucks,” said Dagen’s dad.

This Christmas, Dagen got to spend a day outside of the hospital enjoying the trucks he loves, thanks to the Lawrence Sanitation Department and an anonymous donor only known as “The Chief Elf.”

Dagen got to ride in a personalized garbage truck with his name on it. He even got to try out the controls.

Said Craig Pruett of the city of Lawrence, “We’ve known Dagen for a few years now. All of our crews know him and have been following his progress. So another opportunity to make Dagen’s Christmas wish come true, we’d be glad.

Take a look at the video of Dagen’s special day below.

Fox 8
CBS 4 Indy


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