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Chicago Alderman Targeting Illegally Parked Trucks


A Chicago city official has asked her constituents to help her locate semis that are “illegally parking for extended periods” in the 39th Ward.

Illegally Parked Trucks To Be Booted On Sight

Alderman Margaret Laurino says that semis have been parking illegally for long periods of time on the city streets since January, so she has taken to Facebook to ask Chicago residents for help.

According to a spokesman for Laurino, “It wouldn’t be illegal if they were just loading and unloading, but they appear to be parking there on Fridays and just leaving them there until Monday. There are safety issues when you’re cutting off visibility into the park, plus it’s just unsightly.

Laurino has requested that her constituents contact her office via email if they spot any illegally parked tractor trailers.

Illegally parked trucks are reportedly being ticketed and booted on sight.

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