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New York

VIDEO — Firefighters Blocked By Dump Truck In Pursuit Of Accident


Lampeter Firefighters were blocked from accessing vehicle accident with entrapment as a result of a dump truck failing to yield to their emergency vehicle.

Two people were at the scene injured, and one was trapped in the car waiting for emergency assistance.

Yield To Emergency Vehicles

As the firefighters approach the dump truck they continue the use of their sirens and honk the horn multiple times without successful response from the dump truck driver. The video is captioned, “Now we are stuck going BELOW the speed limit as the truck slowly moves along.”

Driver Reported to Police

The firefighters reported the driver to police for failing to yield to an emergency vehicle. Finally, the dump truck gets out of the way.

The firefighters then continue towards the scene of the accident, but now at normal responding speed. YouTuber Landscaper Tyler Deiter states, “When responding to emergencies, seconds matter. Stay alert, pull as far as you safely can over to the side of the road to stop.”

This Week in Trucking
