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Georgia Police Set Up Impaired Trucker Checkpoint On I-95


Georgia law enforcement officers set up a checkpoint on I-95 in Chatham County last night in an effort to get truck drivers under the influence of drugs or alcohol off of the road.

Three Arrests, 35 Out-Of-Service Orders Issued So Far At Checkpoint

Around 50 officers trained to spot signs of impairment descended on the Chatham County Weigh Station at mile marker 110 last night. If there was any suspicion of impaired driving, truckers were pulled off for closer inspection.

As of 5:45 a.m. today, police say that they had arrested three truckers for impaired driving. They also issued 35 out-of-service orders for hours violations. Police say that they have issued numerous citations at the checkpoint so far.

It isn’t clear how much longer the checkpoint will be in place, but last night police said that they’d man the checkpoint “as long as there are trucks to check.

Powell Harrelson, with the Governor’s Office of Highway Safety stated, “We want to save that life. We want to save 20 lives. But if we can save that one life, by getting that one impaired driver, truck driver off the road, then it’s worth it. We hope that there are zero truck drivers that come through here tonight that we have to arrest. They need to move our goods and products on the roadways, we just want them to do that in a safe manner. So we hope we arrest zero.

WTOC-TV: Savannah, Beaufort, SC, News, Weather & Sports


This Week in Trucking
