Home Trucking News In less than a year, four trucks crash into man’s fence

In less than a year, four trucks crash into man’s fence

Trucks seem to think that they can fit in an alley alongside Florida resident's home, it turns out they cannot.

In Lake Worth, Florida, Sean Levin has had 4 trucks crash into his property in less than a year.

Can’t Catch A Break

Levin told WPTV, “It’s not really a common thing that happens…to have your fence knocked over by an 18 wheeler. They ended up replacing the fence,” he said. “And then it happened again while we were waiting for the fence to be replaced.”

By July, Levin’s fence had been knocked down a third time.

Friday was the most recent incident. Levin came home from work to yet again see his fence laying on the ground, for the fourth time this year.

Trucks seem to think that can fit in the very narrow alley adjacent to Levin’s home; clearly, they cannot.

Dogs Are Main Concern

Levin’s main concern when trucks rip down his fence is not the fence itself, but instead, he is most concerned about his dogs’ safety.

He explains, “I came home from work one day, let the dogs out, and my dogs went straight into Dixie Highway.” Levin may not have been aware that a truck crashed into his fence while he was away, but he quickly found out after having to chase after his getaway dogs.

“The first time, yeah, I understand, accidents happen, the second time I understand, accidents happen, the third time I was pissed off, 4th time I was absolutely furious.”

In his novel On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft Stephen King says, “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me three times, shame on both of us.” I think that after this fourth crash Levin is beyond his limit of patience.

Since there have been so many trucks that have hit Levin’s fence, we wonder, why hasn’t he taken matters into his own hands by putting up signs or warnings specifically for trucks?

Bakery Deliveries Causing Mayhem

Levin discovered that the reason trucks are entering the alleyway beside his house is to make deliveries to a nearby bakery.

Following the accidents, Levin is left to clean up the mess (of truck bits and broken fence) and organize the repairs of his fence. Unfortunately, by now he should be a pro.

Niagara Distributors (the trucking company) does pay to replace the damaged fences; however, when contacted by WPTV they refused to respond.

According to the City of Lake Worth, large trucks are not allowed in the alley, so trucks that attempt to enter are doing so unlawfully. The city claims to be putting up signs to avoid this type of accident in the future.

Fingers crossed that this most recent fence repair will be the last.

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