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Jet-Set Trucking: This trucking company is flying drivers in and then back home


One carrier is offering a unique solution to attract drivers — they are offering to fly truck drivers into a location where they are needed and then to fly them back home for time off.

Schneider has rolled out a program called “Jet-Set” that promises to help drivers who feel “limited by their location” and seems designed for drivers who live outside shipping lanes. In a blog post from earlier this year, Schneider described the slip seat driving program as a “relatively new offering” with a “with a brand-new name that better describes the position and makes it easier for you to find.”

Here’s how Schneider describes the Jet-Set driving position:

What is a Jet-Set driving job like?

  • Get paid to fly from your home location to various locations across the country
  • Get paid to haul freight for a few weeks
  • Get paid to fly back for home time

Typically, you’ll drive for three weeks, then spend five days at home (travel days home and back not counted in days off), with many positions featuring the option to stay out longer.

No relocation is required. We currently have drivers from Alaska, Hawaii and a wide variety of other locations loving the jet-set lifestyle.

Schneider says that the Jet-Set program is available for several driving positions, including OTR, Dedicated, Team, Tanker, and Intermodal.

A recent Schneider job posting on Glass Door listed “Adventure” as one of the top reasons to choose a Jet-Set position: “enjoy variety every day with different freight, customers and locations.”

Jet-Setting May Not Be For Everyone

Some social media users have pointed out the difficulties that could be associated with jet-set trucking lifestyle. In particular, some drivers have pointed out that it could be tough to bring everything you need to run for three weeks on a plane.

This driver describes his experience with the program:

Other drivers have noted that the program has the potential to let them see more of the country.

Have you been a Jet-Set driver (Or do you just have opinions about the position)? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

This Week in Trucking
