-1.3 C
New York

Four states join in Interstate 94 commercial vehicle enforcement operation


Michigan State Police (MSP) reported that their motor carrier officers will join officers from the Indiana State Police, Illinois State Police, and Ohio State Highway Patrol in focusing their enforcement on I-94 and other major freeways in Indiana, Illinois, and Ohio in a coordinated enforcement operation.

This operation is known as operation “Eyes on 94” seeks to reduce CMV crashes and improve the highway overall for its frequent truck drivers. This enforcement effort will begin December 4, 2017, and go until December 8, 2017.

During this operation, enforcement officers will be targeting CMVs that commit violations that are found to most likely contribute to highway crashes. For example, the officers will be looking for speeding, following too close, improper passing, distracted driving, and improper lane use.

Capt. Michael Krumm, the commander of the MSP Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Division, said, “This enforcement effort is a great example of the commitment by the MSP, Indiana State Police, Illinois State Police, and the Ohio Highway Patrol to reach our common goal of increasing traffic safety and reducing crashes.

This coordinated operation is an effort to increase awareness by means of high visibility enforcement on the I-94 corridor, which is prone to weather-related crashes this time of year that involves interstate commercial vehicle drivers.”

These neighboring states are banding together to focus their attention on safety concerns involving interstate traffic.

According to a press release, the “Eyes on 94” initiative is part of the statewide Drive Toward Zero Deaths traffic safety campaign. This campaign is based on the national strategy on highway safety that seeks to reduce the number of traffic deaths nationwide.

Krumm also commented, ‘In 2016, Michigan saw an increase in fatal crashes involving commercial motor vehicles, and operations like this help to ensure that our busiest roadways are also our safest.”

Always be aware of unsafe driving practices; but particularly, be safe on Interstate 94 from December 4-8, 2017.

This Week in Trucking
