-5.3 C
New York

Operation Safe Driver Week October 15th – 21st


Just a reminder, from October 15th – 21st law enforcement agencies throughout the US will be specifically on the lookout for unsafe commercial and passenger vehicles.

They will be paying extra attention to unsafe driving habits. Law enforcement will be issuing citations to both CMV and passenger vehicles exhibiting unsafe driving behaviors.

According to the Commerical Vehicle Safety Alliance, unsafe driving behaviors are the leading cause of crashes. The FMCSA reported that driver behavior is the critical reason for more than 88 percent of large truck crashes and 93 percent of passenger-vehicle crashes.

Unsafe driving behaviors are described as:

  • Speeding
  • Distracted driving
  • Texting
  • Failure to use a seatbelt
  • Traveling too closely
  • Improper lane change
  • Failure to obey traffic control devices

During last year’s Operation Safe Driver Week, law enforcement handed out 11,182 citations or warnings to commercial vehicle drivers.

To find out about Operation Safe Driver Week enforcement events going on in your area, contact the agency/department responsible for overseeing CMV safety within your jurisdiction.

This Week in Trucking
