An Alabama man is in custody after leading police on a slow speed chase in a stolen truck.
The incident began around 4:30 a.m. on Wednesday morning in Pinson, Alabama. Officers from the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office were called out to investigate a report of a suspicious vehicle left abandoned in the road with its lights on.
While police were investigating this vehicle, a nearby citizen informed them that a Kenworth T-300 flatbed truck had just been stolen.
Manual Transmission Trips Up Truck Thief
Officers soon spotted the Kenworth and attempted to pull the truck over, but the driver refused to comply, beginning a slow speed chase.
From the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office:
“The driver was apparently unfamiliar with the complexities of a modern manual transmission and was unable to get the truck out of first gear. The truck traveled at speeds of 25-30 mph onto I-59 south. Deputies followed the truck along I-59 south to Bush Boulevard where the transmission seized and the truck stopped.”
With the truck disabled, police were able to take the 29 year old suspected truck thief, Randy Dewayne Vert, into custody. He has been charged with Theft of Property 1st Degree, Reckless Endangerment, Attempting to Elude, and Resisting Arrest.
Vert is being held on a $5900 bond.