A tow truck driver fell to his death in Boca Raton this morning as he tried to assist a semi hanging from the I-95 overpass.
95 SB BIG DELAYS AT CONGRESS Semi tractor trailer crash hanging over the wall on top of the Congress ave bridge pic.twitter.com/U5tGSqitDV
— Johann Hoffend (@Chopper5WPTV) April 12, 2017
The incident began around 5:30 a.m. as semi truck driver Adrian Figueredo attempted to exit southbound I-95 and rolled his truck so that it was partially hanging off of the overpass. According to the Florida Highway Patrol, around 8 a.m. a tow truck driver working to get the semi truck upright fell from the overpass onto the roadway below. He was killed as a result of the fall.
Figueredo was not injured during the incident.
UPDATE: One dead after fall from I-95 overpass; tractor-trailer danglinghttps://t.co/GeCQb9nIlw pic.twitter.com/tUlaRIm8Vy
— The Palm Beach Post (@pbpost) April 12, 2017
The investigation into both the truck rollover and the tow truck driver’s death is ongoing. Said FHP’s Mark Wysocky, “The majority of these things happen because drivers are possibly going too fast. I don’t know if that’s the case this time, but when exiting the highway, you need to reduce your speed.”
Wysocky refused to comment on whether the tow truck driver was following proper safety protocols.
The Occupational Safety Hazard Administration will be joining law enforcement in their investigation into the incident.
One lane open I-95 SB, one dead as tractor trailer hangs off Congress Ave. overpass @WPBF25News pic.twitter.com/BJvhH0oP3k
— Alex Browning (@wpbf_Alex) April 12, 2017
Police say that there isn’t any danger of the truck falling onto the roadway below. There is currently no time frame for the truck’s removal. Serious traffic backups have been reported in the area as three lanes of southbound I-95 remain closed.
This is the third semi truck wreck in the area in the past eight months.
Here is video from two previous accidents at the same off-ramp where a semi crashed today. I95 off ramp, Congress Ave, Boca Raton. @WPTV pic.twitter.com/WvvN7T5QXA
— Chris Stewart (@CStewartWPTV) April 12, 2017