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Trucker Creates App That Turns Your Rig Into A Gym


A Georgia truck driver has created a free app to help drivers achieve their fitness goals using their truck as a workout tool.

Driver Cleo Hardy created the “Iron Trucker Fitness” app after 13 years behind the wheel of a semi began to take a toll on his physical fitness and health.

Instead of making you schlep to the gym — something that’s difficult or almost impossible for many OTR drivers — the app allows you to use your truck as a training tool. Hardy created dozens of workout moves incorporating your truck that are designed to increase your cardiovascular fitness and increase upper body, lower body, and core muscular strength.

The app outlines a variety of exercises and also lets you track both your workouts and your dietary choices.

The app currently holds a five star rating on the Google Play Store. Many users have left very favorable reviews:

From Gretchen Williams: “More detailed than S Health or other exercise apps. It’s a combo of food tracker, exercise, and step tracker on 1 app instead of multiple.”

Migual Joyner writes, “I really like the app it has a lot of unique ways for a driver to exercise and it’s well put together.”

Tiffany Nelson says, “Great app to burn off calories.”

[su_button url=”https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.zapporoo.irontruckerfitness” target=”blank” style=”soft” background=”#0B5B99″ size=”7″ text_shadow=”0px 0px 0px #403b38″]Download The Iron Trucker Fitness App At The Google Play Store[/su_button]

Fox 5 Atlanta


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