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Trump-Era EPA To Reconsider Phase 2 Regulations For Trailers And Gliders


The Trump administration’s U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has announced that it will take another look at Obama-era greenhouse gas and fuel efficiency regulations for trailers and glider kits.

EPA Says That They’re Acting On Behalf Of Trucking Interests

A news release from the EPA says that the decision comes in response to concern from the trucking industry.

“In light of the significant issues raised, the agency has decided to revisit the Phase 2 trailer and glider provisions,” said EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt. “We intend to initiate a rulemaking process that incorporates the latest technical data and is wholly consistent with our authority under the Clean Air Act.”

In October of 2016, the Obama-era EPA “updated the standards for medium- and heavy-duty vehicles MY 2021-2027 (“Phase 2”), and regulated trailers and gliders – for the first time under the GHG program – with compliance deadlines beginning in 2018.” These updates were made in order to comply with the Paris climate agreement.

President Trump has said that the U.S. will withdraw from the Paris climate agreement.

ATA Issues Warning About EPA Announcement

The American Trucking Association (ATA) warns that the EPA’s announcement could pave the way for California to override federal rules and to set their own national standards for fuel efficiency and emissions. According to ATA President Chris Spear, “We had worked closely with EPA and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration on Phase 2 to continue building on that success, but by reopening the rule to reexamine trailers and glider kits, EPA has opened the door to Californiataking the lead, and a more aggressive track, in setting trailer standards.”

The ATA also encouraged lawmakers to consider durability and feasibility when enacting legislation on

This Week in Trucking
