2.6 C
New York

Union “Disruption” Creates Long Waits For Truckers At Wando Welch Terminal


A disruption by union mechanics caused serious delays at the Wando Welch Terminal in Charleston, South Carolina, today.

Some truck drivers say that they were delayed for more than three hours as members of the International Longshoremen’s Association took action to slow the movement of trucks through the terminal.

On scene reports indicate that the mechanics were forcing truckers to stop for visual chassis inspections instead of the usual video chassis inspections. The video inspections were made possible by a new automated gate technology installed back in June.

Some truckers even reported that the mechanics were inventing problems with their rigs in order to cause delays.

Said driver Jonathan Whaley, “What do I think of that? I’m losing money. That’ll put me out of business if that happens every day.

The disruption comes just one day before testing of the same automated gate technology is scheduled to begin at the North Charleston Terminal. There is concern among ILA members that the automated technology will cost some workers their jobs.

Because of the disruption, truckers were reporting that it took them 30 minutes just to move 50 yards.

By 1 p.m. the port authority was able to convince the ILA members to stop the disruption. By 2 p.m. the truck congestion had decreased.

Live 5 News
Journal of Commerce
The Post and Courier
ABC News 4


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