A Colorado State Patrol Trooper seems surprised that he has been asked to educate drivers on a basic skill like merging onto the highway, but we’re glad he took the time.
Trooper: “How to merge (yeah, seriously. We’re getting THAT basic.)”
Trooper Lewis went live on Facebook to create a somewhat snarky but also clear and effective video offering common sense tips about merging onto a highway.
The highlights from his advice include “you probably should have figured this out in Driver’s Ed when you were 16” gems like:
- Drivers should actually get up to highway speeds before trying to merge onto the highway.
- YOU — not other drivers — are the one who is responsible for making sure that you get on the highway properly.
- It is NOT the responsibility of other drivers already on the highway to move over for you to help you merge.
Trooper Lewis’s merging advice video has gone viral, with many Facebook users expressing gratitude for his efforts to set the record straight.
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