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VIDEO: How to explain ELDs to your non-trucking family and friends


This video was just posted to Shelli Conaway’s Facebook on November 25, 2017. Conaway is from Greenup, Kentucky and is an owner-operator.

Conaway talks about all the hard work and dedication that goes into being a truck driver.

She begins by comparing truck driving to owning a small business. Small business owners work around the clock to ensure their business is a success; she asks, why should truck drivers only be allowed to invest a certain number of hours into their business when others work unrestricted?

This comparison is meant to shed light on the restricting nature of the approaching ELD mandate. Truck drivers will be monitored every minute of their day, and stripped of the power of choice when it comes to managing their work day and work hours.

She says that no matter what happens within the 14 hours of driving time, the truck driver must stop the clock – and stop moving the truck – when time runs out. She explains, what if during the average individual’s work day they take a break to eat lunch, or take time off to see their child’s holiday program, are they still expected to stop the clock at 14 hours regardless of if their work is done or whether or not they are tired?

On top of that, Shelli comments on the lack of privacy that truck drivers experience because of government interference and monitoring.

She thinks that the ELD mandate will not only restrict the American truck driver’s day to day routine but also restrict their income.

She says, “They are telling us we can only work 11 hours a day and we have 14 hours a day to get it done, and then we have to go to bed, whether you are tired or not. Now keep in mind, for us and as well as for you, sitting in traffic counts as work because we are holding the steering wheel. Sitting at a dock counts as work because we are waiting.

When we are not generating enough revenue, our rates are going to go up. And what does that mean for the American public? What you pay for is going to go up.”

Conaway continues to say that the ELD mandate is going to put tired truck drivers on the road because truck drivers will not be able to control their own schedules. For example, the ELD mandate would prevent a tired driver from pulling over and taking a nap if it would negatively interfere with their hours of service.

Conaway urges people to contact their local congressmen and provide feedback about the privacy and safety issues that the ELD mandate would cause. Conaway supports the delay of the ELD mandate in order for the government to be able to more accurately assess the causes of unsafe highway conditions.

H.R. 3282 is the bill that Conaway urges people to call their congressman about. “This bill delays for an additional two years the effective date of regulations implementing the requirement that a commercial motor vehicle involved in interstate commerce and operated by a driver subject to federal hours of service (HOS) and record of duty status regulations be equipped with an electronic logging device to improve vehicle operator compliance with HOS regulations.”

This bill was introduced in House on August 18, 2017, and has yet to be approved or denied.

Truck drivers across the US are rallying together on December 4, 2017, to protest the ELD mandate and support the privacy and integrity of the trucking industry.

This Week in Trucking
