“This video is captioned:”Dave talks about the emission style engines and one of the biggest flaws with these engines…..the fact that they make some hard and fast decisions FOR the driver.
“Dave talks about the emission style engines and one of the biggest flaws with these engines…..the fact that they make some hard and fast decisions FOR the driver.
Dave tells a story about a recent incident concerning an emissions engine. A driver was driving in the Rocky Mountains in B.C. and the truck made a decision which could have easily been fatal for the driver….. as a result, the truck shut down the Jake Brake with the truck going down an 8% grade, trains loaded right up.
Newer isn’t always better and here’s a perfect example!”
Emission controlled engines
Dave states that one of the biggest factors he considered when retiring was having to spend a lot of money in order to comply with California emission laws if he were to get a new engine. He did not think that the investment in a new engine for the truck and a new reefer for the trailer was worth it.
He states that engines are not designed to burn 0 emissions. The new engines are causing nothing but trouble for drivers.
Nothing but trouble
Watch, and listen as he describes his friend’s most recent incident with an emission style engine.
The engine cut-off the power; therefore, turning off the jake break as the truck flew down the mountain. Not to mention this truck was hauling a set of trains…