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New York

VIDEO: Truck Loving Kid Unboxes Volvo VNL 760 — And Breaks A World Record


Volvo Trucks launched their all new series by letting a three year old truck enthusiast unbox  the Volvo VNL 760 — and helping to set a Guinness World Record for the largest object ever unboxed.

From the Volvo news release accompanying the video:

The new Volvo VNL series introduces groundbreaking technology that meets the needs of today’s long-haul customers and professional drivers through innovations in efficiency, productivity, safety and uptime. Available in several configurations, including a new 70- inch sleeper, the Volvo VNL series defines the shape of trucks to come.

In the video, viewers will first see Jovine’s excitement at seeing the extremely large to truck box, measuring 80’x14’x18’, sitting on the street in a residential area, and then his great reaction when he unboxes the new Volvo VNL model. Jovine also gets to climb in the cab for a firsthand inspection, and then takes a ride with a professional driver.


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