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New York

VIDEO: Trucker Protects Fellow Driver From Powerful Wind Gusts


This video from CDLLife reader Fred Schwanewede showcases the kindness and professionalism of a fellow driver who “escorted” Fred’s truck down the highway when strong winds threatened to roll his rig.

From Fred:

The beginning of the story is March 07 2017 on I-29 in North Dakota.

After I parked for sometime at the rest area, I made a bad decision based on info from two weather sites, which said that the wind was down to 40mph.

I go back NB on I-29. After awhile, the wind picked up again and start to lift the trailer.

Many drivers saw the trouble. I call on CB19 for help… but just silence and flyby. I was down to 10mph when this truck from Penner out of Steinbach MB pulls up and escort me save to the next Truck Stop.
After I got the trailer number out of the video today, I talk with his safety department and let them know about this real professional driver.

This Week in Trucking
