This sweet story of a truck driver coming to another driver’s aid after a breakdown made our day!
The story was shared by Al Zahirović, who writes:
“Broke down this morning around 11am in this small town of Concordia,KS. Damn fuel fitting cracked and then broke off when i tried to take it out,now i’m stuck with one half of the fitting inside of the head. Well it’s sunday, they don’t have cab service or uber in this area. There’s O’Reilly’s in town few miles south of me, my fat ass walked there and bought the bolt extractor tool. On my way back to my truck a pickup pulls up and offers me a ride,turns out the old timer in the pickup is a trucker too! I wanted to give him some gas money but he didn’t want any, he said just do the same for someone else. So it took me few hrs to fix the problem, I had to remove lots of parts to get to the fitting. After i was done with everything i went back into the town and parked at the Walmart, went inside to buy me some water and clean shirts. When i was going back to my truck I found a wallet in an empty shopping cart. I took it and kept walking to my truck. I pulled out the DL and looked at the name and address of the person, it was a lady and she lives in 30 mi away in Nebraska… I fired up my truck and drove straight to her house. When she opened her door she was like “can i help you?” No! But i can help you! Is this your wallet? Omg yes! Why do you have my wallet? Well lady you left it at the Walmart lol.. She didn’t even know she lost it.
Anyways she offered to give me some money and i said nope, i don’t want the money,but i’ll take a bottle of cold water. She was happy that she got her wallet back,we talked for a bit, i told her about my day and the problem i had earlier. After that we shook hands and i was on my way.”
This is what trucking is really all about — strangers taking a moment to do what’s right to help another person. Let us know your thoughts and pass this along.