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Authorities warn truckers to clear off ice after windshields shatter


A recent rash of car windshields shattered by ice and snow falling off of commercial vehicles has caused law enforcement agencies to issue warnings to truckers about clearing off their vehicles before hitting the road.

The Dakota County Sheriff’s Office has issued a plea to drivers to “please, please, clear your vehicle of ice and snow before you take them on the road” after a department squad car had its windshield smashed by a chunk of ice that flew off the top of a semi truck.

On Tuesday, Dakota County Sheriff’s Office Park Ranger Samantha Mamer was driving on Hwy. 50 near New Trier, Minnesota, when she passed by a semi truck driving in the opposite direction.

Suddenly, a large chunk of ice slid off the truck trailer, smashing into the upper driver’s side corner of her windshield.

“It could’ve [come] all the way in, I could’ve ended up with a face full of glass,” said Mamer. “I could’ve driven off the road or overcorrected myself… Or caused an accident behind me [if] I [had] slammed on my brakes right away. So I’m glad that was just it.”

Fortunately, she was able to safely reach a parking lot without causing any further distractions.

According to KARE, another Minnesota motorist named Thomas Cornelius recently had  a similar experience while driving down I-694 in Shoreview.

“I swerved just enough so that the brunt of the impact hit my passenger side windshield more than the driver’s side,” Cornelius wrote. “The damage is very very intense and the windshield is completely caved in. I am lucky to be unhurt, and had I not swerved, I may not be here.”

According to the Minnesota littering statute, allowing snow or ice to blow off your vehicle is a misdemeanor.

A Vermont motorist’s video taped encounter with an ice missile from a truck has also forced  the issue into the spotlight.

As seen in the video above, sheets of ice flew off a big rig, smashing through Todd Herrington’s windshield on Route 117 in Essex, Vermont.

Herrington was unharmed but his SUV was damaged.

The family was able to track down the trucking company and their insurance is covering the damage.

After seeing the video, Vermont legislator Rep. Kurt Wright says that he plans to introduce a bill to fine drivers who fail to clear snow and ice from their vehicles.

This Week in Trucking
