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New York

Trucker arrested after Border Patrol finds 76 immigrants packed in trailer


A truck driver was arrested near Laredo, Texas, last week after Border Patrol agents discovered 76 illegal immigrants — including 13 children — packed inside his trailer.

Agents Discover Dozens Of Immigrants During Secondary Inspection

The discovery was made on January 26 at the Border Patrol checkpoint along Highway 83, about 35 miles north of Laredo. According to a news release from U.S. Customs and Border Patrol, the truck driver was approached by agents at the checkpoint regarding his immigration status and was then referred for a secondary inspection.

During the secondary inspection, Border Patrol agents discovered 76 immigrants from Mexico, Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala. Thirteen of the people packed into the trailer were unaccompanied children. No one was seriously ill or injured.

The identity of the truck driver has not been released, but Border Patrol says that he is a U.S. citizen. He was arrested and his truck was seized by Border Patrol.

Laredo Sector Assistant Chief Patrol Agent Gabriel Acosta stated, “These criminal organizations view these individuals as mere commodities without regard for their safety. The blatant disregard for human life will not be tolerated. We will continue to work with our law enforcement partners to disrupt and dismantle these organizations and prosecute those responsible.

Laredo Sector Border Patrol encourages anyone who sees suspicious activity to contact them at 1-800-343-1994.

This Week in Trucking
