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New York

Veteran trucker shares inspiring song after stage four colon cancer diagnosis


An Oklahoma trucker with 40 years behind the wheel responded to a devastating cancer diagnosis by recording and sharing a song that has gotten him through some tough times.

Sixty year old truck driver Delvin Simmons was diagnosed with stage four colon cancer just two weeks ago after he had his first-ever colonoscopy.

After the serious diagnosis, Simmons, who is now unable to work as a truck driver, decided that he wanted to record the song “The Old Man is Dead” by Del Way “for my kids in case I did not make the journey through this cancer.” Knowing he would soon be too weak to drive, he decided to hop in his truck for one last ride while he recorded the song.

From Simmon’s son Justin: “My dad has been a truck driver since he graduated high school, a dream he had since he was a young boy. All truck drivers go by a handle, and dad chose “Ranch Hand” when he first began and has been known by that ever since. In 1987 when I was 7 years old he gave his heart to Christ and accepted Jesus as his savior. Since that time he has passionately and selflessly served the church, his community, and so many others showing them God’s love the very best he could.

Since the video was posted on Facebook two weeks ago, it has been viewed over 5 million times.

This Week in Trucking
