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VIDEO: What the heck is that squealing noise?


A motorist recently captured the memorable moment that a car gets taken for a terrifying ride by a truck.

We recommend you turn on the sound for this one, because the sound of the car’s tires begging for mercy is not to be missed.

“Oh my god,” says the startled dash cammer as he watches a semi truck push a car for around 30 seconds before the truck driver is able to come to a stop. It isn’t clear if any injuries occurred, but both the car driver and truck driver are able to safely bring their vehicles to a stop on the shoulder of the road.

Similar Incident Caused By Car Cutting Off Truck

If you’re wondering how something like this could happen, take a look at the video below. It captures a similar incident that recently occurred in Framingham, Massachusetts. Though the video is labeled “Road Rage”, the Framingham Police Department says that it was anything but on the part of the truck driver: “She tried to edge her vehicle into the left-hand turn lane. He never saw her.

Luckily no one was seriously hurt during this incident.

This Week in Trucking
