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New York

Virginia has fined thousands of drivers for violating “slow poke” law


A new report shows that law enforcement officers in Virginia have been vigorously enforcing the state’s new left lane driving law.

Since the law went into effect on July 1, 2017, more than 16,000 drivers have been cited for left lane violations, including driving too slowly in the left lane, using the left lane when the driver isn’t passing another vehicle, along with other various infringements outlined in the law, according to a new report from WTOP.

The fine for violating the “slow poke” law is $100.

The law’s sponsor, Del. Israel O’Quinn, says that keeping slow drivers out of the left lane reduces road rage and cuts down on dangerous crashes. He said, “This is also something that is one of the leading causes of road rage – which certainly, I am not condoning by any stretch – but it’s something that law enforcement officers many times can point back to as the root of a number of road rage incidents.”



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