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Woman thanks mystery trucker who stopped at funeral


A woman who recently lost a loved one took to Facebook to share her gratitude for a truck driver’s act of kindness and compassion during a burial service.

On November 2, Facebook user Mallory Rogers shared a post about something special that she noticed during a family member’s funeral earlier that day.

Rogers wrote, “I’d like to take some time to thank whoever this truck driver is. Today, we laid my papaw to rest and this sweet man came up on us at the gravesite and even though I’m sure he had loads to carry and places to be he sat and waited for 20-30 minutes so he wouldn’t interrupt the funeral. Whoever you are thank you for restoring my faith in humanity.

The post made its way to Facebook user Elisa Kay Puckett, who says that she recognized the truck as her father Tim Puckett’s rig.

Elisa Kay Puckett spoke to CDLLife about her dad’s act of respect during the funeral.

It was no inconvenience for him,” she said. “It was the right thing to do in his eyes. My dad is a war veteran along with my pawpaw, his dad. As he was coming thru to go get loaded he noticed the funeral procession was there getting ready for the funeral. As he was coming back thru loaded he noticed the funeral had begun. He stopped and shut her down. He waited on the funeral procession to leave before he headed back out.

“He made the statement ‘I was sorry for being as close as I was, but out of respect that was the right thing to do. Something I have done all my life.’ My dad has been a trucker all my life, 28 years. And a lot longer before I was born. He would make the choice of a ditch before hitting a car. He is highly spoke about from many local logger truck drivers. I have never heard an ill word spoken about him. He is one of the few old timers that is willing to teach anyone anything about the ways of the logging world. This act he has done has made me very much proud to be his daughter. As the family of the loved one laid to rest will be in our prayers.

The post has since been shared more than 12,000 times by people in awe of the gentlemanly gesture.

This Week in Trucking
