Police use drone to show how serious they are about ‘move over’ enforcement
Published on April 16th, 2019 by Ashley
An Illinois sheriff has shared unique drone footage showing just how quickly and efficiently they are pulling over drivers who fail to move over for emergency vehicles.
On Monday, April 15, the Clark County Sheriff’s Office (IL) shared a video clip featuring a major “Move Over” or “Scott’s Law” enforcment detail. In the video, you can see police pulling over a semi truck and a passenger vehicle.
The Clark County Sheriff’s Office says that they caught 10 drivers in violation of Scott’s Law in just two hours.
Law enforcement agencies across Illinois are ramping up Scott’s Law enforcement after sixteen state troopers were hit by vehicles while performing traffic stops just this year. Three of those troopers did not survive.
Today in LESS than 2 hours we made 10, yes, TEN, "Scott's Law" violation traffic stops (failure to move over and/or slow down for vehicles on the side of the road, incidentally all with flashing hazard & emergency lights activated). People are getting killed out there folks. Your neighbors, our public servants, our first responders, our local tow operators, your friends and family, our friends and family. Please move over and slow down! These paraphrased quotes may upset some and for good reason:-"Did I 'buzz' by you a little close?" Sir, if you're "buzzing" by you are probably too close.-"This probably won't make a difference but it was only a tow truck, if it were a police car or fire truck… well it's all dangerous I guess" Sir, that tow truck driver has a life and family that is just as important as mine!-"Well you're a cop so you're just a little more important." No sir, I'm a human, we are all equal, we are all important, it could have just as easily been a single mom changing a tire with her children in the car, everyone is important.Please move over and slow down. We need to make safety on our highways, streets, and roads a high priority for the sake of EVERYONE! Too many lives are being lost! We will continue our awareness and enforcement initiatives as often as time allows.Illinois State PoliceIllinois Sheriffs' AssociationMove Over IllinoisIllinois State Police District 12 Effingham