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Texas news crew captures semi plowing into pileup after being hit by SUV


A local news crew was filming as they were almost hit by an out of control semi truck in Texas on Friday.

The incident began on a foggy stretch of U.S. 84 in Lubbock County when several vehicles crashed in both the eastbound and westbound lanes.

Major Accident south of Slaton on US 84 Please Avoid this Area

Posted by Lubbock-County Emergency-Management on Friday, December 27, 2019

As troopers were responding to these crashes with a news crew from KCBD on scene filming, an eastbound semi truck driver reportedly lost control after an SUV driver changed lanes in front of him and struck him.

The truck was caught on camera by the KCBD news crew as it slid and came to a stop within feet of the camera.

According to reports, the sliding semi truck struck a trooper and another vehicle, leaving a person trapped inside. Both the trooper and the person who was trapped were taken to the hospital but are expected to survive.

You can view the video below.

Texas semi crash almost hits news crew

MUST WATCH: This was a close call for the first responders at the scene, as well as the news crew >> https://bit.ly/363pBit

Posted by WAVE 3 News on Friday, December 27, 2019

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