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Trucker sucker punched and left K.O.’ed on the shoulder by motorist


Oklahoma City police are looking for a motorist who attacked a trucker during a road rage fight.

The incident happened on Tuesday, November 26, on I-35 in Oklahoma City.

Veteran truck driver Alcie Boyd says that the road rage incident began when he blew his horn at a man in a gold SUV who refused to let him merge.

“What I was trying to do was just get on the freeway, didn’t make no moves or nothing. All I did was blow my semi horn at the person. They screeched on the brakes and made it a point not to want to let me in, and I’m already about to hit the merging point. So I stopped, get behind them, and don’t get behind them, I get two lanes over,” Boyd told KFOR.

The SUV driver reportedly continued to play cat and mouse with Boyd’s truck until finally Boyd pulled over on the shoulder of I-35 and got out to confront the SUV driver.

Boyd, armed with a golf club, spoke with the SUV driver then said that as he was turning to walk back to his truck, he was sucker punched.

The attack left Boyd unconscious on the side of I-35.

The SUV driver left the scene.

Boyd said, “Here’s the sad part. His wife had the nerve to call my company, said that I was doing reckless driving, but yet you don`t have the audacity to call an ambulance. You don’t call nobody. You just left me on the side of the road like my life didn’t matter.”

If you have information on the road rage incident, you can call Crime Stoppers at (405) 235-7300.

Some of the attack was caught on dash cam, which you can view in the report below.

This Week in Trucking
