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Truckers out on the road for Christmas surprised by four year old


A group of drivers who weren’t able to make it home for the holiday were surprised at a South Dakota truck stop by a “little trucker” who wanted to thank them and wish them a merry Christmas.

It all happened on Christmas Day at the Coffee Cup Travel Plaza off of I-29 near Vermillion in South Dakota when a little girl named Trinity and her parents stopped by to spread a little Christmas cheer to drivers stuck out on the road for the holiday.

CDLLife app user Venessa Teegarden wrote about how Trinity’s truck stop visit came to pass:

Our 4 year old asked a question this year. What happens to all the truckers who cant go home for Christmas? We told he just like her daddy has done before stay at truck stops . Well she was not having it!! No cookies no Turkey!! So then she said we must bring them Christmas! So today we are driving all around finding you truckers to say thank you for all you do and have some Christmas cookies. From a 4 year old, future Jessie Schmidt Farm and Trucking girl.. Just like her daddy

Teegarden shared several heartwarming photos of Trinity visiting the drivers at the truck stop.

Truck driver Dawn Jasmann was one of the drivers who received Trinity’s sweet note while she was preparing to leave the truck stop.

Jasmann said in a Facebook post that quickly went viral: “I wasn’t planning on crying today. Then as I was getting ready to leave the truck stop in SD a pickup pulled up and a man and his little girl handed me this. It really touched my heart.”

Jasmann told CDLLife, “I was so touched by their gesture! I broke out in tears! I told my husband, now how am I supposed to drive with tears in my eyes?”

Jasmann also shared a photo of Trinity “blessing” one of the other drivers at the truck stop.

Teegarden told CDLLife that with Trinity, “Any attention she can get for the drivers to show she cares she loves!”

This Week in Trucking
