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19 states shut down all dine-in restaurants, leaving truckers with fewer food options


During the Coronavirus/COVID-19 crisis, multiple states are closing or restricting restaurants and bars, meaning that truckers delivering the essential supplies that Americans need could go hungry themselves.

As the need to contain the spread of the Coronavirus grows, a growing number of states are closing down or restricting restaurant access to cut down on the spread of the illness.

For over-the-road truck drivers who live out of their trucks and may not have the resources to prepare meals in-cab, these restaurant restrictions are a major problem. Not only is it tougher to find a hot meal, but already isolated truck drivers have fewer opportunities for human contact.

To help you prepare and plan for your next meal, we’ve compiled a list of restaurant closures and restrictions by state. Take a look below.

Restaurant Closings/Restrictions By State

  • Alabama — Birmingham area only — All dine-in restaurants and bars are closed for one week. Takeout and delivery is allowed.
  • California — Restaurants are open, but maximum occupancy may not exceed 50%. Bars, nightclubs, and brewpubs are closed.
  • Colorado — All dine-in restaurants and bars were ordered closed for 30 days effective 8 a.m. on Tuesday. Takeout and delivery is allowed.
  • Connecticut — All dine-in restaurants and bars are closed as of 8 p.m. Monday. Takeout and delivery is allowed.
  • Florida — Restaurants are open, but maximum occupancy may not exceed 50%. Bars and nightclubs must remain closed for the next 30 days.
  • Illinois — As of 9 p.m. Monday, all dine-in restaurants are closed through March 30. Delivery and takeout are allowed.
  • Indiana — All dine-in restaurants and bars are closed through the end of March. Delivery and takeout are allowed.
  • Iowa — All dine-in restaurants and bars are closed for two weeks. Delivery and takeout are allowed.
  • Kansas — Kansas City, Johnson County, and Wyandotte County only — As of 12:01 Tuesday morning, all dine-in restaurants and bars are closed until at least April 1. Delivery and takeout are allowed.
  • Kentucky — As of 5 p.m. Monday, all dine-in restaurants and bars are closed. Delivery and takeout are allowed.
  • Louisiana — As of midnight on Monday, all dine-in restaurants and bars are closed until at least April 13. Delivery and takeout are allowed.
  • Maryland — As of 5 p.m. Monday, all dine-in restaurants and bars are closed. Delivery and takeout are allowed.
  • Massachusetts — As of Tuesday, all dine-in restaurants and bars are closed until April 5. Delivery and takeout are allowed.
  • Michigan — As of 3 p.m. Monday, all dine-in restaurants and bars are closed until midnight on March 30. Delivery and takeout are allowed.
  • Minnesota — As of 5 p.m. Monday, all dine-in restaurants and bars are closed until at least March 27. Delivery and takeout are allowed.
  • Missouri — Kansas City and Jackson County only — As of 12:01 Tuesday morning, all dine-in restaurants and bars are closed until at least April 1. Delivery and takeout are allowed.
  • Montana — Most restaurants and bars in the counties that contain the cities of Billings, Missoula, Bozeman, Butte, and Helena are shut down or restricted to takeout and delivery only. Montana Gov. Steve Bullock says that there are no immediate plans to restrict restaurants statewide.
  • New Jersey — As of 8 p.m. Monday, all dine-in restaurants and bars are closed. Delivery and takeout is only allowed from 5 a.m. — 8 p.m.
  • New Mexico — Restaurants are open, but maximum occupancy may not exceed 50%.
  • New York — As of 8 p.m. on Monday, all dine-in restaurants and bars are closed. Delivery and takeout are allowed.
  • North Carolina — As of 5 p.m. Tuesday, all dine-in restaurants and bars are closed. Delivery and takeout are allowed.
  • Oklahoma — Oklahoma City only — All dine-in restaurants and bars are closed. Delivery and takeout are allowed.
  • Ohio — As of 9 p.m Sunday, all dine-in restaurants and bars are closed. Delivery and takeout are allowed.
  • Oregon — All dine-in restaurants and bars are closed. Delivery and takeout are allowed.
  • Pennsylvania — As of midnight on Monday, all dine-in restaurants and bars are closed. Delivery and takeout are allowed.
  • Rhode Island — As of Tuesday, all dine-in restaurants and bars are closed through March 30. Delivery and takeout are allowed.
  • South Carolina — City of Columbia only — Restaurants are open, but maximum occupancy may not exceed 50%. Tables of more than 6 people are not allowed.
  • Texas — Dallas and Harris counties only — All dine-in restaurants and bars are closed. Delivery and takeout are allowed.
  • Virginia — Restaurants are open, but officials urge them to maintain a 10 person dine-in limit.
  • Washington — All dine-in restaurants and bars are closed. Delivery and takeout are allowed.
  • Wisconsin — Restaurants are open, but maximum occupancy may not exceed 50% or 50 total people.

This Week in Trucking
