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New York

Biden supporters say they were attacked by man in semi


A group of women demonstrating in support of Presidential candidate Joe Biden say that they were verbally and physically attacked by a man in a semi truck.

The incident occurred around 11:20 a.m. on Saturday, October 24, in Fittstown, Oklahoma, as a group of women stood in front of the town post office holding political signs in support of Biden.

According to Oklahoma news outlet KFOR, the women said that a man in a semi truck later identified as Rowdy Veal stopped his vehicle, left the horn blaring, and approached them, cursing at them. The women said that Veal shoved a member of their group. The incident reportedly ended when a man in a pickup identified by a police report as Michael Brown pulled up to the scene to make sure that the women were safe. Brown said that Veal left the scene soon after he arrived.

Veal later admitted to police that he touched one of the women on the shoulder.

A press report from the Pontotoc County Sheriff’s Office (which you can read in full below) indicates that police did not show definitive evidence of an attack on video but that Veal could be facing charges of assault and battery.

On Saturday 10-24-2020 at approximately 1123 hours I Deputy Clinton Smee a commissioned Deputy with Pontotoc County Sheriff’s Office was dispatched to Fittstown near the gas station located at 25530 SH 99S.
Upon arrival I made contact with Shawn Hunley who advised she was sitting in her vehicle taking pictures of her friends holding their political signs in front of the Fittstown post office. Shawn advised that a man in a red pickup truck hauling a flatbed trailer driving north on 99 passed by slowly and leaned out of the window and pointed his finger at them and yelled “I’m about to have fun with you bitches.” Shawn advised he then proceeded north on 99 to the convenience store where he went inside and exited. Shawn then stated he jumped into a white semi and drove toward them. Shawn stated she began filming when it appeared, he was headed towards us. Shawn stated that the man parked next to them and laid on the horn. Shawn stated he is about 5’ 9” or 5’ 10” tall with a small build with long hair and a flag bandana. Shawn stated that he jumped out and immediately got in her face spitting and yelling for filming then moved on to Laura Pounders, Jill Acree, and her daughter Elizabeth before returning to her. Shawn stated that the man continued to come at her and push her shoulder while screaming in her face. Shawn stated then a man in a white truck identified as Michael Brown pulled up to run the man off. Shawn stated the man then got in his semi and took the semi back to his house and got in his red truck and headed towards us then passed. I then had Shawn fill out a written statement to the events that happened.

Shawn allowed me to watch the video on her phone that she had taken. I observed a man matching her description yelling at the participants while walking back and forth. I observed him get close to Shawn in the video and it appeared as though the video was zoomed in making it appear closer than it actually was. During the video I could not distinctly hear any threats or see any contact between the male and Shawn. Upon completion of the written statement I left the scene and was advised by dispatch of a phone call request from Michael Brown.

I made contact with Michael who advised that on Saturday October 24th he was traveling north on 99 when he observed a man screaming in the face of some ladies in front of the post office in Fittstown. Michael stated he was making a lot of gestures. Michael stated that he pulled in to make sure the ladies were ok. Michael stated that the trucks horn prevented him from hearing anything. Michael stated that he only stopped to make sure the ladies were ok. Michael stated that the truck driver left on his arrival and that the ladies were ok but appeared scared.

On 10-27-2020 at approximately 1700 hours I made contact with the truck driver identified as Rowdy Don Max Veal at his residence next to the convenience store in Fittstown. Rowdy agreed to fill out a written statement as to the events that occurred on 10-24-2020. In Rowdy’s statement he advised that around 1100 on 10-24-2020 he went outside to take the trash to the dumpster and noticed Biden supporters by the local post office and seen flags ect. Rowdy stated he then got in his girlfriends pickup a (white Chevrolet) and drove down there to see who it was. Rowdy stated he rolled down his window and noticed they also had masks and some eyes covered. Rowdy stated he saw someone inside of a vehicle and assumed it was a man with pink hair. Rowdy stated that he drove off and came back to his house to get in his semi. Rowdy stated that he went back down there to honk his horn. Rowdy stated that before going down he put on his American flag patriotic clothes and exercised his freedoms by stating his views just as they were. Rowdy stated that he pulled up while laying on the horn, got out and approached each of them while asking “do you know you support abortion?” “do you know you support a child pedophile?” Rowdy stated that he did this to each one personally until he could see they were woman cause his hair is longer than theirs and they were bundled up so much that he couldn’t tell at first. Rowdy stated that he approached the one he assumed was a man with pink hair that was actually a woman and patted her on the right shoulder with an open hand stating she needed Jesus, all of you need Jesus, and that their candidates needed Jesus. Rowdy stated that he proceeded to support Trump in his own circle once realizing they were all women Rowdy stated he stepped back. Rowdy stated that he could hear his air horn on the semi fading and knew he would need air to leave while going back to his semi. Rowdy stated that he saw someone with a beard pull up that got out and walked up so he thought okay I got another Trump supporter also. Rowdy went to turn off his horn and the guy that had pulled up fist bumped them at which time Rowdy asked him if he was a Biden supporter. Rowdy stated that the man said “yes I am”. Rowdy then asked him if he knew he supported child pedophilia and abortion. Rowdy stated the man then looked him in the eyes and shrugged his shoulders with no remorse. Rowdy stated that the air in his semi had built up at that point and he realized he was fighting a losing battle and drove off. Rowdy stated he went down to there to be a voice for his community, the oil and gas workers, the construction workers, and even for officers because we all know Biden will be the end to all of this.

I advised Rowdy that a report would be compiled and sent to the District Attorney’s Office where a decision would be made whether to file charges or not. I thanked Rowdy for his time and I left the scene.

Information sent to the District Attorney’s Office for possible warrant on Rowdy Veal for Assault and Battery.

You can view portions of the video recorded during the alleged attack in the report below.

This Week in Trucking
