A Love’s truck stop in Glendale, Arizona is no longer planned for construction after community members raised their concerns.
The Love’s Travel Stop was set to be built west of Loop 303 between Bethany Home Road and Glendale Avenue, a site that was controversial for residents near the location.
In a final step of approval to build, the Glendale City Council voted in June to rezone the land of the future truck stop.
After learning about the proposed construction, local residents hired an attorney and began collecting signatures in opposition to the truck stop. They argued that the stop was a health and safety risk to their community, and idling semi-trucks would pollute the air and bring traffic, crime and noise.
Their signatures were an effort to try to place a referendum on the city’s ballot to reverse the rezoning of the land that would have allowed for the truck stop. Dozens of residents also showed up to oppose the rezoning request at a Glendale City Council meeting.
The owner of the property has since canceled its sales agreement with Love’s Travel Stops, and has agreed to restrict the use of the land to prevent a truck stop from being built, Glendale announced last week.
The property owner has entered into a deed restriction agreement with the Montana Farms Property Owners Association and Protect Neighborhoods Now as well.
Love’s spokesperson, Chad Previch, said the company doesn’t currently have plans to build a truck stop at another location in Glendale or along Loop 303.