An unusual phone call potentially saved a trailer full of pigs from a sweaty demise in Missouri last week
Moberly, Missouri firefighters say that they received a phone call from a concerned truck driver after his rig broke down, stranding him on the side of the road.
The unnamed truck driver told firefighters that he was unable to keep the pigs cool while he waited for a mechanic, and was “afraid they would die without some help.”
Lucky for the pigs and the concerned truck driver, the Moberly fire department was happy to help, and arrived shortly thereafter with their hoses ready.
The firefighters then sprayed down the pigs with cool water until the truck was repaired and back on its way to Iowa.
Last week we received a strange call but we were happy to be of service. This truck drivers truck broke down in…
Posted by Moberly Fire Department on Thursday, October 22, 2020