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New York

Proposed land rezoning for truck stop receives backlash from local residents


Residents in Park City, Kansas voiced their opinions earlier this week in opposition to a truck stop being built in their neighborhood.

Approximately 30 people attended the Park City planning commission meeting on Monday to urge the city to halt the proposed rezoning of land for a new truck stop.

A representative of the landowner has requested a change in zoning from commercial to industrial. Rezoning is the first of many steps in the process of development for the truck stop to be built.

The proposed section of land is near 85th and Broadway.

Residents were concerned about the noise and light pollution that a truck stop could bring to their neighborhood. They also argued that a truck stop could increase potential crime.

“The neighborhood association is not opposed to truck stops but is opposed to the actual rezoning of the land right next to our housing addition, and a building of a truck stop at that location or a truck stop being built next to any housing addition for that matter,” said Charley Davidson to local news station KWCH12, on behalf of the Saddlebrook Neighborhood Association.

After hours of comments from residents, the Park City planning commission voted to postpone voting on the decision until Monday, October 26th, at 7 pm.


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