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New York

Cattle hauler’s collision with elk kills more than a third of the cows on board


31 cows were killed in an accident involving an elk in the roadway in Idaho late last week. 

The accident happened on friday, February 5th at 6:08 a.m. near Georgetown. 

According to East Idaho News, 29-year-old Jeffrey Nickols was hauling livestock east on US Highway 30 when he struck an elk in the roadway. The collision sent the rig veering off the roadway before it overturned on the left shoulder. 

Of the 90 cattle in the trailer, 31 were killed in the wreck. Luckily, Nickols was not injured in the incident. 

The wreck blocked a portion of US 30 for around six hours as crews worked to clear the wreck. It has since been cleared. 

This Week in Trucking
